Thursday, May 13, 2010

How Do I knit a cell phone case ?

I have a kit , but I lost the instructions .

I have knitted before , but I forgot :)

Does anybody have any EASY instruciotns to knit That ?

Oh , and I don't know any knitting lingo haha;.

Any hellp ?

Thanxx :)How Do I knit a cell phone case ?
I can tell you how to do it mathematically. Use a calculator if needs be; I certainly do.

Measure your cellphone -- closed, of course, if yours is a flip-phone. If you don't like dealing with fractions, use millimeters. (It doesn't matter if you speak metric, just use the numbers.) Measure around it lengthwise and write it down. Measure around it the other way at its widest part, and write that down.

Now, take the lengthwise measurement and add 30% and write down your answer. Take the girth measurement and divide that in half. (Yes, this is why you write everything down.) Draw a rectangle to fit these measurements -- the answers you got when you figured things. Always round up, if any rounding needs to happen. (29.5mm becomes 30, etc)

Now, knit a rectangle that size. Use the gauge on the yarn wrapper to figure out how many stitches to cast on. If your rectangle is to be 3'; wide, and your yarn wrapper says you'll get 6 stitches per inch, obviously you will cast on 18 stitches. If you can't find the wrapper, measure something else you have already knitted -- with roughly the same size yarn and needles -- and count the stitches in the measured space.

Once your rectangle is knitted, fold it over and sew it together. Don't fold it quite in half. Most of that extra 30% you added to the length is a flap. Fold it about 2/5 the way up, so you have 2/5 and 3/5 on either side of your fold. Hold it up to your phone to make sure it fits. Sew up the sides with the same yarn you used and a monster yarn-sewing needle. Starting at the center of the edge of the flap, crochet a loop in plain old chain stitch. Sew it or crochet it to itself at its base. Sew on a button, right where the loop comes down onto the front of the case. Crochet a longer loop, too, if you want to carry the phone in its case.

Click on my avatar for an email link and email me if you have questions.How Do I knit a cell phone case ?
Quick way: Measure the length and width of the phone then knit a simple cross. Once you have it the desired size, fold in the sides and the bottom and sew together(I would have the two flaps flapped over the bottom piece for a trim like look). Take a piece of velcro or a snap and sew/attach to the front of the case and the underside of the flap that is left that you will fold over the top of the phone. Voila! Instant cell phone case.
Try this link. I'm sure they will have what you are looking for.

Congrats on not giving up!
There might be a pattern on here you can convert under Purses, Bags and Cozies鈥?/a>

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