Sunday, January 24, 2010

What are your thoughts on banning cell phone use while driving and why...except for emergency cases?

Asking the government to invade one's private spaces is NEVER a good idea. People should not use communication devices while driving since these distract the driver from his/her sole purpose for being behind the wheel, i.e transporting the occupant(s) to another location SAFELY.

If people who do drive while phoning or texting were charged for their accidents --- Insurance rates would increase and people just might find it hard to afford. Car and Cell phone manufactures could easily and cheaply equip cars and ';phones'; to sense each other and the cell phone would not operate if the car is in motion. (Cell phones can sense motion!).

No government --- just self-interest on the part of free entities.What are your thoughts on banning cell phone use while driving and why...except for emergency cases?
Im sorry, but Im completely against any cell phone use while driving. There is an an actual impairment on a majority of those doing so. I say a majority, not all. But we cannot have a law say 'only if you cannot multi task'. I travel a lousy 20 minutes to work everyday and it is very obvious when someone is on their phone. Their speed is erratic, they swerve a bit as if they are falling asleep at the wheel and they tend to take their eyes off the road, not to mention the fact that it simply distracts the driver. But I also think it should be against the law to eat, argue, hold your dog or shave while driving.What are your thoughts on banning cell phone use while driving and why...except for emergency cases?
What is such an emergency that you CAN'T PULL OFF THE ROAD? What is so dang important that you have to put others at risk? I've pulled off the road to answer a call. It's really not that difficult. Actually I tend to have my phone off when driving anyway. No need to ban phones, the police just need to enforce the RECKLESS DRIVING Statue on the books.
Not a fan of it. I can use a phone with no decrease in driving ability.

Now if you get in an accident due to phone use (especially texting), you should be prosecuted.
I believe they have merit. But, at the moment I think it is unreasonable.

I think that states needs to require hands free devices and require car companies to put them into cars.

They say that texting and driving is like having 4 beers.

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